But as Wy-man and I were discussing his day over dinner, I asked him what he did today. And while he could have told me about playing outside, playing with the sensory table or playing trucks (like his typical response), he told me that he was bit. He then proceeded to tell me the name of the child that bit him (but I won't use the child's name). I then pried a little more and asked him how it happened...he went on to tell me he was 'drinking water.' And what makes this story even more shocking, that was exactly what the ouchie report said had happened - he was in line at the drinking fountain and was bit by another child. I was so shocked he even remembered the incident and could tell me what happened so accurately.
After everything transpired, I was no longer saddened by the incident, instead I was truly impressed with his intellect. How many two year olds can fully answer questions about things that happened 1 hour ago, let alone 8 hours prior?
And while I know this won't be the last report I sign, I am so glad to know my child could tell me what happened, is getting and great eduation at daycare AND didn't try to bite back!
Oh biting...I'm very happy that Wy didn't bite back but man I would be flipping out about biting. I've seen Fin get pushed, etc while playing with other kids but there is something about biting that pushes my buttons...good job Wy for not biting back!